CDL Online Diesel Mechanic Tractor Trailer Curriculum


Triple your earning potential with the Diesel Mechanic Certification. This self-paced curriculum contains easy to follow videos, audio narration, test your knowledge quizzes, and a certificate of completion.

SKU: DMTT-2001 Category:


CDL Online Diesel Mechanic Tractor Trailer Curriculum by Bumper To Bumper is here!
As a Diesel Mechanic your role is crucial in ensuring trucks are running as efficient as possible to not only keep trucks on the road, to drive profitability for the company you work with…but most importantly, to ensure drivers are able to get to and from their destinations safely. Most mechanics triple their earning potential with a DMTT certification. Make a difference, enjoy a challenging yet rewarding career – what are you waiting for?!

Diesel Mechanic Tractor Trailer Curriculum Offerings
Each session starts with foundational content introducing you to the Trucking Industry. Diesel Mechanic Gain the knowledge necessary to diagnose and communicate needed repairs with the followins
• Session 1: Your Role In The Trucking Industry
• Session 2: Dashboard And Gauges
• Session 3: Transmissions
• Session 4: Air Brakes
• Session 5: Electrical
• Session 6: Engines
• Session 7: Drive Train
• Session 8: Steering
• Session 9: Tires And Wheels
• Session 10: Tractors
• Session 11: Vehicle Management Systems
• Session 12: Types Of Trailers
• Session 13: Coupling and Uncoupling
• Session 14: Backing a Tractor-Trailer
• Session 15: Sliders
• Session 16: Auxiliary Brakes
• Session 17: Vehicle Inspection
• Session 18: Preventative Maintenance
• Session 19: Air Conditioning Systems
• Session 20: Emissions

Structure and Flow
Our sessions offer clean, audio narrated, captioned videos that are easy to follow. Each session is followed by a quiz designed to test student progress and knowledge.

Students can quickly and easily access the online content from a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device!

Driver’s In Demand
Diesel Mechanics are in demand across the country. Bumper To Bumper EasyCDL-Online offers best-in-class Online Theory training that you can do from anywhere. Typically, our students partner with an employer, school, and training provider to complete their “Behind-the-Wheel” curriculum.

Proud Partnerships
We proudly partner with the National Association of Publicly Funded Truck Driving Schools (NAPFTDS), Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT), the Commerical Vehicle Training Association (CVTA), Texas Trucking Association (TXTA), and the American Trucking Association (ATA) to ensure our materials and offerings maintain the incredibly high standards of compliance that Bumper to Bumper has been known for, for decades.

Try Something Else?
Is the Diesel Mechanic Tractor Trailer not the right program for you? Check out Hazardous Materials and our other CDL Programs below.